Haci-Muslim: Philosophical background for Fair Pay, and referance concept Bit X

From: Ywe Cærlyn
Date: Tue Mar 18 2025 - 03:42:38 EST

I have tried to get the point through of a philosophical background needed for a quality better than windows in computing space. Christianity is already what "Windows" is about, and many are unhappy about this.

Instead I suggest Haci-Islam. Haci no doubt being a familiar word, and it is from Islam.

Here we also partition "God" into things like "The Good", "The Guide" (correct), and Syndrome, 2-gon, 3-gon, 4-gon etc. Defeating this concept, and correct to do.

Many want a more scientific wording on this, and listen to reason indeed. The ONE is just as much about this.

So please support my efforts on this. THIS IS WHAT IS NEEDED, for success other than the regressive window of oppourtunity of Bill Gates.
