[PATCH 0/2] arm64: dts: x1e001de-devkit: USB retimers related fixes

From: Abel Vesa
Date: Tue Mar 18 2025 - 11:52:24 EST

These fixes align all the USB retimer related nodes on the Devkit with the
CRD and T14s.

This patchset is based on Johan's:

Signed-off-by: Abel Vesa <abel.vesa@xxxxxxxxxx>
Abel Vesa (2):
arm64: dts: qcom: x1e001de-devkit: Describe USB retimers resets pin configs
arm64: dts: qcom: x1e001de-devkit: Fix pin config for USB0 retimer vregs

arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/x1e001de-devkit.dts | 44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 44 insertions(+)
base-commit: 571801ee930e6061456a14ded670006f738d05bc
change-id: 20250318-x1e001de-devkit-dts-fix-retimer-gpios-bed83169401c

Best regards,
Abel Vesa <abel.vesa@xxxxxxxxxx>