Re: [PATCH v12 2/3] i2c: octeon: remove 10-bit addressing support

From: Andi Shyti
Date: Tue Mar 18 2025 - 20:11:17 EST

Hi Aryan,

On Tue, Mar 11, 2025 at 03:34:33PM +1300, Aryan Srivastava wrote:
> The driver gives the illusion of 10-bit address support, but the upper
> 3 bits of the given address are always thrown away. Remove unnecessary
> considerations for 10 bit addressing and always complete 7 bit ops when
> using the hlc methods.

Can someone from Marvell comment here?

The datasheet I have isn't very clear on this part. Also, I'd
like to know if there's any product line that could be negatively
impacted by this patch.
