Re: [PATCH RFC] KVM: arm64: PMU: Use multiple host PMUs

From: Akihiko Odaki
Date: Wed Mar 19 2025 - 06:27:33 EST

On 2025/03/19 18:47, Marc Zyngier wrote:
On Wed, 19 Mar 2025 08:37:29 +0000,
Akihiko Odaki <akihiko.odaki@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 2025/03/19 16:34, Oliver Upton wrote:
Hi Akihiko,

On Wed, Mar 19, 2025 at 03:33:46PM +0900, Akihiko Odaki wrote:

arch/arm64/kvm/pmu-emul.c used to have a comment saying the follows:
The observant among you will notice that the supported_cpus
mask does not get updated for the default PMU even though it
is quite possible the selected instance supports only a
subset of cores in the system. This is intentional, and
upholds the preexisting behavior on heterogeneous systems
where vCPUs can be scheduled on any core but the guest
counters could stop working.

Despite the reference manual says counters may not continuously
incrementing, Windows is not robust enough to handle stopped PMCCNTR_EL0
and crashes with a division-by-zero error and it also crashes when the
PMU is not present.

To avoid such a problem, the userspace should pin the vCPU threads to
pCPUs supported by one host PMU when initializing the vCPUs or specify
the host PMU to use with KVM_ARM_VCPU_PMU_V3_SET_PMU after the
initialization. However, QEMU/libvirt can pin vCPU threads only after the
vCPUs are initialized. It also limits the pCPUs the guest can use even
for VMMs that support proper pinning.


Ideally, Windows should fix the division-by-zero error and QEMU/libvirt
should support pinning better, but neither of them are going to happen
anytime soon.

To allow running Windows on QEMU/libvirt or with heterogeneous cores,
combine all host PMUs necessary to cover the cores vCPUs can run and
keep PMCCNTR_EL0 working.
I'm extremely uneasy about making this a generalized solution. PMUs are
deeply tied to the microarchitecture of a particular implementation, and
that isn't something we can abstract away from the guest in KVM.

For example, you could have an event ID that counts on only a subset of
cores, or better yet an event that counts something completely different
depending on where a vCPU lands.> > I do appreciate the issue that you're trying to solve.

The good news though is that the fixed PMU cycle counter is the only
thing guaranteed to be present in any PMUv3 implementation. Since
that's the only counter Windows actually needs, perhaps we could
special-case this in KVM.

I have the following (completely untested) patch, do you want to give it
a try? There's still going to be observable differences between PMUs
(e.g. CPU frequency) but at least it should get things booting.

I don't think it will work, unfortunately. perf_init_event() binds a
perf event to a particular PMU so the event will stop working when the
thread migrates away.

It should also be the reason why the perf program creates an event for
each PMU. tools/perf/Documentation/intel-hybrid.txt has more

But perf on non-Intel behaves pretty differently. ARM PMUs behaves
pretty differently, because there is no guarantee of homogeneous

It works in the same manner in this particular aspect (i.e., "perf stat -e cycles -a" creates events for all PMUs).

Allowing to enable more than one counter and/or an event type other
than the cycle counter is not the goal. Enabling another event type
may result in a garbage value, but I don't think it's worse than the
current situation where the count stays zero; please tell me if I miss

There is still room for improvement. Returning a garbage value may not
be worse than returning zero, but counters and event types not
supported by some cores shouldn't be advertised as available in the
first place. More concretely:

- The vCPU should be limited to run only on cores covered by PMUs when

That's userspace's job. Bind to the desired PMU, and run. KVM will
actively prevent you from running on the wrong CPU.

- PMCR_EL0.N advertised to the guest should be the minimum of ones of
host PMUs.

How do you find out? CPUs can be hot-plugged on long after a VM has
started, bringing in a new PMU, with a different number of counters.

- PMCEID0_EL0 and PMCEID1_EL0 advertised to the guest should be the
result of the AND operations of ones of host PMUs.

Same problem.

I guess special-casing the cycle counter is the only option if the kernel is going to deal with this.

Special-casing the cycle counter may make sense if we are going to fix
the advertised values of PMCR_EL0.N, PMCEID0_EL0, and
PMCEID1_EL0. PMCR_EL0.N as we can simply return zero for these
registers. We can also prevent enabling a counter that returns zero or
a garbage value.

Do you think it's worth fixing these registers? If so, I'll do that by
special-casing the cycle counter.

I think this is really going in the wrong direction.

The whole design of the PMU emulation is that we expose a single,
architecturally correct PMU implementation. This is clearly

Furthermore, userspace is being given all the relevant information to
place vcpus on the correct physical CPUs. Why should we add this sort
of hack in the kernel, creating a new userspace ABI that we will have
to support forever, when usespace can do the correct thing right now?

Worse case, this is just a 'taskset' away, and everything will work.

It's surprisingly difficult to do that with libvirt; of course it is a userspace problem though.

Frankly, I'm not prepared to add more hacks to KVM for the sake of the
combination of broken userspace and broken guest.

The only counter argument I have in this regard is that some change is also needed to expose all CPUs to Windows guest even when the userspace does its best. It may result in odd scheduling, but still gives the best throughput.

Akihiko Odaki
