Re: [PATCH v7 0/5] bits: Fixed-type GENMASK_U*() and BIT_U*()

From: Vincent Mailhol
Date: Tue Mar 25 2025 - 12:15:38 EST

On 26/03/2025 at 00:23, Yury Norov wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 25, 2025 at 01:23:22AM +0900, Vincent Mailhol wrote:


> This series doesn't apply on 6.15-rc1 because test_bits.c has moved to
> lib/tests. Can you please rebase your v8 and submit? I see no other
> issues to merge it in bitmap-for-next.

git was smart enough to rebase everything automatically!

Here is the v8 (which includes the other few nitpicks from you and Andy):

Do you also want me to rebase the other series which consolidates the
GENMASK(), GENMASK_ULL() and GENMASK_U128() now? Or should I wait a while?

Yours sincerely,
Vincent Mailhol