Re: [PATCH v4 1/1] scsi: ufs: core: add device level exception support

From: Bao D. Nguyen
Date: Wed Mar 26 2025 - 19:47:55 EST

On 3/26/2025 3:49 AM, Bart Van Assche wrote:
On 3/25/25 6:15 PM, Bao D. Nguyen wrote:
The existing "struct utp_upiu_query_v4_0" probably has a bug in it. It does not use the  __attribute__((__packed__)) attribute. The compiler is free to add padding in this structure, resulting in the read attribute value being incorrect. I plan to provide a separate patch to fix this issue.

Adding __attribute__((__packed__)) or __packed to data structures that
don't need it is not an improvement but is a change that makes
processing slower on architectures that do not support unaligned
accesses. Instead of adding __packed to data structures in their
entirety, only add it to those members that need it and check the
structure size as follows:

static_assert(sizeof(...) == ...);

Thank you for the info on this, Bart.
IMO, this response upiu data should be __packed because the data coming from the hardware follows a strict format as defined by the spec. If we support __pack each individual field which data may be read by the driver (the attribute read commands) and check the validity of their sizes, it may add some complexity?

Thanks, Bao