Re: [PATCH v5 2/7] dt-bindings: PCI: qcom,pcie-sc7280: Make elbi register as an optional

From: Manivannan Sadhasivam
Date: Fri Mar 28 2025 - 07:48:32 EST

On Sun, Mar 09, 2025 at 11:15:24AM +0530, Krishna Chaitanya Chundru wrote:
> ELBI regitsers are optional registers and not been using in this
> platform. Having this register as required is not allowing to enable
> ECAM feature of the PCIe cleanly. ECAM feature needs to do single
> remap of entire 256MB which includes DBI and ELBI. Having optional
> ELBI registers in the devicetree and binding is causing resorce
> conflicts when enabling ECAM feature.
> So, make ELBI registers as optional one.
> Suggested-by: Manivannan Sadhasivam <manivannan.sadhasivam@xxxxxxxxxx>

Wait... I never suggested to make ELBI optional in the binding. So this tag is
completely wrong.

And the change itself is not correct since ELBI is indeed present in the hw. So
we cannot just drop it from the binding because the driver is not using it

- Mani

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