On Thu, 27 Jul 1995, Michael J. Drons wrote:
> I am new to this group and am not sure if this belows here but I am going
> to post anyways...
> I have a 486/66 with local bus
> I installed from slackware 2.2
> I am using kernel version 1.2.11
> I am using gcc version 2.6.3
> I have 16M of ram
> and 32M of swap space....
> 16M swapon /dev/hda2 and 16M on /dev/hda3
> My question: Why doesnt my mschine use the space space????
> When usinig the command free I always says that my machine has
> 32992 free and 32992 available. Has anybody seen this????
> Please help....
> Mike Drons
> pa_mjd@coe.neu.edu