I see where the error occurred, but it doesn't make any sense.
> 1.2.13 gets better
> Just logged in under a VC (no X in sight!)
> And it dumps this:
> kernel: general protection: 0000
> kernel: EIP: 0010:0011071b
> kernel: EFLAGS: 00010246
> kernel: eax: ffffffff ebx: 00577000 ecx: 00006000 edx: ffff0ff0
> kernel: esi: 00005000 edi: 00000002 ebp: 000030c2 esp: 00576fbc
> kernel: ds: 0018 es: 0018 fs: 002b gs: 002b ss: 0018
> kernel: Process tty (pid: 154, process nr: 28, stackpage=00576000)
> kernel: Stack: 00000003 00006000 00000001 00005000 00000002 000030c2 00000059 600c002b
> kernel: 0000002b 0000002b 0000002b 00000059 60031205 001e0023 00000246 bffffd7c
> kernel: 0010002b
> kernel: Call Trace:
> kernel: Code: ff d0 89 44 24 18 8b 53 18 f7 da 74 3c 89 54 24 18 83 4c 24
The code is "call *%eax", and %eax is 0xffffffff, which _should_ be
totally impossible. %eax has just been loaded from the system call
entry table, and there is no 0xffffffff entry there.
Are you sure your hardware is stable?