Bug report in SCSI CD-ROM drivers and buffers...

Chad Page (page0588@sundance.sjsu.edu)
Mon, 2 Oct 1995 22:19:19 -0700 (PDT)

The following message appears every time I use "df" after running
Executor (SVGAlib) 1.99p under Linux 1.3.30 with an audio CD in the drive :

"Weird - unlocked, clean, and not uptodate buffer on list 0 0b:00 0"

I believe this is a bug in the SCSI subsystem, as an invalid
buffer should be flushed out... I don't know enough about the code to
fashion a patch for this yet, but someone who did know might have a shot
at fixing it (I don't think it would be Executor-specific, as it is

- Chad,
who's just been *too* busy lately... and still has to
finish/rewrite the buffer-cachee patches in a way Linus writes (if you're
reading, I have it working for reads, but not writes), and eventually in
my spare time, start working on a GUI library (called Breeze), like I
ever *have* any spare time :)