I do still need to stop mgetty in order to use the line for an outgoing
PPP link. For the rest, the release seems to work OK for me.
I had to do the following to compile:
1) remove one of the two semicolons at the end of the only non-comment
line in .../drivers/sound/Config.in
2) add an include line in .../include/net/sock.h. This include file
uses symbol MAX_ADDR_LEN, which is defined in <linux/netdevice.h>, so I
added that include file to others that were already defined.
* Linux pimpinel.fluido.org 1.3.35 #51 Tue Oct 17 04:35:07 MET 1995 i486
* Tue Oct 17 08:01:52 MET 1995
* Linux pimpinel.fluido.org 1.3.36 #56 Mon Oct 23 21:45:26 MET 1995 i486
* Tue Oct 24 06:59:58 MET 1995
Pipe Throughput Test || 17685.8 -> 18321.0 +3.59%
Dc: sqrt(2) to 99 decimal places || 11123.8 -> 11486.4 +3.26%
Process Creation Test || 359.2 -> 370.8 +3.23%
Pipe-based Context Switching Test || 9484.5 -> 9716.0 +2.44%
Dhrystone 2 without register variables || 48645.6 -> 49743.8 +2.26%
Shell scripts (1 concurrent) || 92.9 -> 94.1 +1.29%
File Copy (30 seconds) || 965.0 -> 977.0 +1.24%
Execl Throughput Test || 64.8 -> 65.4 +0.93%
File Copy (10 seconds) || 998.0 -> 1006.0 +0.80%
C Compiler Test || 47.1 -> 47.4 +0.64%
Shell scripts (2 concurrent) || 49.0 -> 49.1 +0.20%
Arithmetic Test (type = long) || 8366.4 -> 8370.3 +0.05%
Arithmetic Test (type = register) || 8368.9 -> 8370.4 +0.02%
Arithmetic Test (type = double) || 5066.2 -> 5066.9 +0.01%
Arithmetic Test (type = arithoh) || 127151.3 -> 127168.7 +0.01%
Arithmetic Test (type = int) || 8368.8 -> 8369.8 +0.01%
Arithmetic Test (type = float) || 5066.3 -> 5066.9 +0.01%
Arithmetic Test (type = short) || 7509.4 -> 7510.0 +0.01%
File Write (10 seconds) || 1400.0 -> 1400.0 +0.00%
Recursion Test--Tower of Hanoi || 727.0 -> 727.0 +0.00%
Shell scripts (4 concurrent) || 25.0 -> 25.0 +0.00%
Shell scripts (8 concurrent) || 12.0 -> 12.0 +0.00%
Dhrystone 2 using register variables || 49814.9 -> 49772.7 -0.08%
File Write (30 seconds) || 1146.0 -> 1133.0 -1.13%
File Read (10 seconds) || 4505.0 -> 4366.0 -3.09%
File Read (30 seconds) || 4515.0 -> 4319.0 -4.34%
System Call Overhead Test || 30465.6 -> 29099.0 -4.49%
* Linux pimpinel.fluido.org 1.2.10 #59 Tue Jun 13 09:46:17 MET DST 1995 i486
* Tue Jun 27 10:18:13 MET DST 1995
* Linux pimpinel.fluido.org 1.3.36 #56 Mon Oct 23 21:45:26 MET 1995 i486
* Tue Oct 24 06:59:58 MET 1995
File Copy (10 seconds) - Found only in [To]
File Copy (30 seconds) - Found only in [To]
File Read (10 seconds) - Found only in [To]
File Read (30 seconds) - Found only in [To]
Process Creation Test || 119.9 -> 370.8 +209.26%
Pipe-based Context Switching Test || 3446.9 -> 9716.0 +181.88%
Dc: sqrt(2) to 99 decimal places || 5906.2 -> 11486.4 +94.48%
Execl Throughput Test || 51.6 -> 65.4 +26.74%
Shell scripts (1 concurrent) || 78.3 -> 94.1 +20.18%
Shell scripts (8 concurrent) || 10.0 -> 12.0 +20.00%
Shell scripts (2 concurrent) || 41.0 -> 49.1 +19.76%
Shell scripts (4 concurrent) || 21.0 -> 25.0 +19.05%
C Compiler Test || 42.2 -> 47.4 +12.32%
Dhrystone 2 without register variables || 46284.2 -> 49743.8 +7.47%
Recursion Test--Tower of Hanoi || 709.2 -> 727.0 +2.51%
Arithmetic Test (type = float) || 5055.6 -> 5066.9 +0.22%
Arithmetic Test (type = register) || 8353.2 -> 8370.4 +0.21%
Arithmetic Test (type = long) || 8353.5 -> 8370.3 +0.20%
Arithmetic Test (type = arithoh) || 126914.4 -> 127168.7 +0.20%
Arithmetic Test (type = double) || 5056.8 -> 5066.9 +0.20%
Arithmetic Test (type = int) || 8353.4 -> 8369.8 +0.20%
Arithmetic Test (type = short) || 7496.0 -> 7510.0 +0.19%
Dhrystone 2 using register variables || 49802.4 -> 49772.7 -0.06%
System Call Overhead Test || 29238.2 -> 29099.0 -0.48%
Pipe Throughput Test || 18512.0 -> 18321.0 -1.03%
File Write (10 seconds) || 8100.0 -> 1400.0 -82.72%
File Write (30 seconds) || 8911.0 -> 1133.0 -87.29%