> about the only way to do that (I assume you mean how can you make you
> linux box a CLIENT), is to install dosemu, compile ipx support into your
> kernel and turn on IPX_SUPPORT in the dosemu.conf. After that you have
> to compile the ipx_interface program (in the ipxutils dir of the source
> of dosemu) and then run ipx_interface add eth0 802.2 then load up dosemu
> and run NETX at the dos prompt like normal to connect.... you dont have
> to load the odi drivers .. the ipx support in dosemu emulates both the
> card odi and ipxodi.....I have never tried it with 3.12, but it works
> great with 4.1.. This of course is a crash course on doing it, but its
> not that hard at all..
Hmm... if you buy caldera linux (preview II works ok and is rather cheap) you
get a working netware client with it (module works only with 1.2.? kernels)
that should work with other linuxes as well.
There is a project for a free netware client too, but I've forgotten its
name and status.
O .---------------. .___________. O
/\/ . `. m_sattle@ ,' / \ +FAX . \/\
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--> Don't take life too seriously -- you'll never get out of it alive. <--