Re: 1.3.62 and fat/msdos/vfat observations
H. Peter Anvin (
15 Feb 1996 00:47:47 GMT
Followup to: <Pine.A32.3.91.960214092035.59346C-100000@cloudburst.seas=>
By author: "Arthur D. Jerijian" <>
In newsgroup:
> >=20
> > I believe a case sensitivity issue would arise, so you'd still need=
> > mangling (whenever someone is weird enough to have two files of the=
> > name with different case in the same directory.. Ok maybe a .c and =
a .C=20
> > file, I can't see what else..)
> I've heard from someone (please correct me if I'm wrong!) that=20
> the POSIX specifications require both "makefile" and "Makefile"=20
> to be able to coexist in the same directory.
POSIX.1 requires that all characters except '\0' and '/' are valid in
filenames and distinct.
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