Re: screen character set (was: Re: /dev/vsc* permissions)
Sun, 18 Feb 1996 17:34:54 +0100

: Since the topic of print-screen seems to be a continuing topic here among
: "the pros"

Optimist. This place is filled with people complaining that top stopped
working and that terminal type linux is unknown.

: How can I tell what character set the console screen is currently
: using so that I can direct my printer (HP 5MP) to use that for this job?

You can't. But probably you know yourself.
[The bytes in video memory index the character ROM. If you did not
use setfont then probably the character set is close to CP 437,
but several countries have different defaults. If you used setfont
and mapscrn, then you can ask the kernel for the current mapping table.]

: Second, and much more of a thorn - using the keytable to marry a script to
: a key causes the scriptname to appear and scroll the screen one line before
: the print job takes place. This loses the top line of the original screen
: image that I wanted to print. Is there any way for the script to be called
: from a hot-key without this? One way that occurs to me is to dig into that
: vcsa code and replicate the parts of it that grab the screen image in my
: code, but move the window up one line.

Yuk. First switch to another console. Or use a key that does not echo