> The biggest problem with getting 100% ELF is Netscape. I've tried
> several times to communicate with the guy who maintains the Linux
> port, and basicly he is 100% sure that:
Add RealAudio to that list right under Netscape. Which, by the way, won't
run Java worth a damned on my system.
Sorry, this thread is getting off subject (kernel-dev), but:
Could a few of you folks out there take a look at these cites and tell me
if they crash (segmentation fault) Netscape 2.0 on your systems.
http://www.cnet.com (usually the news page crashes)
http://www.eonline.com (home page crashes last time I checked)
I sent a message on this to Netscape with each beta release but nothing
improved. Of course I don't doubt that I may have a library compatability
problem but I'd at least like to know how others are fairing.
William E. Roadcap mailto://roadcapw@cfw.com
TITUS Software ftp://titus.cfw.com/pub
Waynesboro, Va (USA) http://www.cfw.com/~roadcapw