> >It seems that this involves the issue of hardware probing and
> >inventory during the configuration process. Most of the other
> >UNIXes do an auto probe kind of action when rebuilding the kernel.
> >Most of the time the kernel is being built for same-system use, so
> >probing would work most of the time. There would need to be a
> >mechanism for building kernels for other machines. How to do
> >probing? That's the question I guess.
> >
> >Dan
> >--
> >danj@netcom.com
> >
> >Dan Janowski
> >New York, NY
> This will be handled by my Plug-and-Play stuff. Trust me, it
> ain't easy or pretty.
> -- Andrew E. Mileski --
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Located in Canada's Capital: Ottawa! (EST)
> mailto:dmtech@magi.com http://www.magi.com/~dmtech/
Most kernels don't have the source distributed with them, One simple non
kernel way of configuration would be to have an autodetection program
that made/modified your .config for you. This would take the detection
code out of the kernel and speed up the boot processes.
-- Tim Middelkoop O http://intrism.hcsys.com/~mtim /\, mtim@freenet.tlh.fl.us \/\ ----Try linux today---- /GE d- s+:- a22 C++ UL++ P++++ L+++ E+> W++ N+ o? K? w--(++) O M V-- PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5 X R- tv b++ DI? D+ G e+ h-- r-- y+