
Dr. Delete Ph.D. (doc@lame.org)
Thu, 22 Feb 1996 14:04:06 -0500 (EST)

Well, atleast SLIP seems to be working again in 1.3.68..

Alan seemed to think it was really a problem with high latenancy
connections and 1.3.67's TCP code.. but it seems to be working ok
so far in 1.3.68.

I still can't use my local ircd however.. people outside my machine
can use it just fine. Odd stuff..

Dr. Delete, Ph.D. (doc@NetWare.is.LaMe.ORG) ---------------------------
"You can't understand the user's mind" --------------------------------
"But try with your books and degrees" ---------------------------------
"If you let yourself go and open your mind" ---------------------------
"I bet you'd be doing like me.... and it ain't so bad" ----------------
Alice In Chains, "Dirt", "Junkhead (track 7)" -------------------------