Re: Linux 1.3.66: Problem with SCSI bus scan
Eric Dittman (
Sun, 25 Feb 1996 18:46:32 -0600 (CST)
>> > Please install or link cpp in /usr/bin. You haven't successfully built
>> > the kernel with the aic7xxx driver. The new version of the driver needs
>> > the C preprocessor (cpp) to preprocess the sequencer code.
>> 1. cpp is traditionally in /lib, not in /usr/bin.
>> 2. you should use gcc -E, anyway.
>Actually, the assembler (aic7xxx_seq.c) searches the for the following:
>static const char *cpp[] = {
> "/lib/cpp -P - -",
>I just said /usr/bin/cpp because that's what FreeBSD uses in its version of the
>assembler. I was using FreeBSD at the time I replied, didn't have access to
>the Linux source, and couldn't remember all the paths searched. I knew that
>/usr/bin/cpp would work...
So, since I had /lib/cpp when I built the kernel, putting a link to cpp in
/usr/bin won't help, right?
Eric Dittman Texas Instruments - Component Test Facility (214) 462-4292
Disclaimer: Not even my opinions. I found them by the side of the road.