Re: 1.3.6x, Netscape 2.0 dies.
Wed, 21 Feb 1996 12:14:20 -0600 (CST)
Peter Cox <> wrote:
>I have had problems with Netscape 2.0 - it occasionally just dies on me.
>Nothing else seems to be affected, but it can be annoying.
I have had occasions where Netscape 2.0 died on me, too. I have never
experienced it when doing a normal PPP start and then starting up Netscape.
Until now only when I have let Netscape continue even though I shut down
the PPP line. Netscape has then died on a few occasions when I started up
PPP again and tried to continue from there with using Netscape 2.0 to surf.
It doesn't always go like this and none of the 2.0beta versions did that to
me (but I can't go back and test them because they aren't available anymore).
I don't know how Netscape works together with the TCP/IP connection, but if
this isn't a kernel problem, it might lie in the TCP/IP driver?
main(){char*s="O_>>^PQAHBbPQAHBbPOOH^^PAAHBJPAAHBbPA_H>BB";int i,j,k,l,m,n;
putchar(l<6-j?' ':l==40-j?'\n':k&&s[n]&k?'*':' ');}