> >Andrew Mileski (dmtech@magi.com) wrote:
> >> 4) Is there *ANY* particular thing that would make your
> >> life easier when dealing with hardware resources?
> >
> >Yes, a list of all drivers currently registred/compiled into the kernel,
> >together with a list of configured drivers attached to found hardwa re would
> >be nice.
> >
> >Greetings
> >Bernd
> >--
> > (OO) -- Bernd_Eckenfels@Wittumstrasse13.76646Bruchsal.de --
> I think this is a GREAT idea - but it strays outside my
> interests in hardware resource management and Plug-and-Play.
> It would be *REAL* easy to do this, other than the fact that
> it touches so much code.
Hmm. This seems very similar to a comment I made earlier about being able to
ask any running driver for it's parameter list (in the same format that you
would feed the kernel command line.) A mechanism for iterating over the
drivers could also query each driver for that information.
> -- Andrew E. Mileski --
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Located in Canada's Capital: Ottawa! (EST)
> mailto:dmtech@magi.com http://www.magi.com/~dmtech/
-- Kenneth Albanowski (kjahds@kjahds.com, CIS: 70705,126)