Re: Moving whole system to a new HD
H. Peter Anvin (
11 Mar 1996 08:21:49 GMT
Followup to: <
By author: Joao Brazao Ferreira <>
In newsgroup:
> Hi, everybody!
> I'm needing to move my whole system from a 540Mb disk to a new 1.2G=
> I have seen here a post about how to do it, but, unfortunatly, i didn=
> save it. If someone, please, could repost it or give me a tip...
mount -t ext2 /dev/new_disk /mnt
cp -ax / /mnt
mkdir /mnt/mnt
<Edit /mnt/etc/lilo.conf>
lilo -r /mnt
Make a boot floppy just in case.
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