> Ok, we must distinguish clearing the screen (for the user) and blanking (for the
> monitor). I think just filling the video memory with zeros will do
> the latter job unless you have changed the palette registers (0 ist
> usually black).
OK, I get your point. I`d like however for us unfortunate owners of
non-vesa-aware monitors to have a console "screen-saver". The normal
blanking works fine as long as you don`t change the bg colour of the
actual palette ( which is exactly what I did, unfortunately, but what I
think I still want to do )
> I think your patch adds even more graphic dependent stuff to the
> kernel. Shouldn't be use the blank bit of the VGA to get a dark
> screen, or maybe switch to vesa_blank by default? It seems most
> monitors have no problem with a missing vsync.
Now, I didn`t say my way was a good way to do it, I just want wanted to
show what I wanted. So how *do* you use the blank bit. Anyone more
knowledgeable than me willing to implement this? (since I can`t use
vesa_blank :-( )
This is exactly why I mailed this to list: since I didn`t really know how
to go about changing the blanking behaviour. Ta,
Mika Raento mailto:mikpera@cc.jyu.fi http://www.jyu.fi/~mikpera
-- "You can't *ADD* things and come out with *LESS* than you started with!"
-- "I can do that! It's a free country! I've got my rights!"
Have a look at Jukola '97 orienteering relay homepage at ~mikpera/jukola-97/