Actually, there is no problem/bug here, and e2fsck may very well be
statically linked. The issue here is that even though Slackware
itself is an ELF distribution, I believe that all the boot/root disks
are a.out only, with no ELF support. (I suspect this because I noticed
that libc is :). At any rate, like was
suggested, there's a rescue.gz image which has all the tools you
should need for an emergency repair, and in the future, if you want an
ELF rescue disk, make your own, and complain to Patrick. :)
Larry Daffner - Software Engineer | email: |
HP Convex Technology Center | tel: (214)497-4274 / home: (214)380-4382 |
It's better to be silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all
doubt. --Abraham Lincoln