On Sat, 16 Mar 1996, Jeff Johnson wrote:
> I am trying to use the Linux-FT Unifix Boot Manager to boot the 1.3.75
> kernel. I am using the following boot line:
> c:/1/kernel/1.3.75 root=/dev/hda1 ramdisk=0 vga=2 ro auto
> I have the following hardware option line:
> aha152x=0x140,11,7
> The 1.2.13 and 1.3.73 kernels boot with the exact same configuration.
> With 1.3.75, I do not even get a video mode change from 80x25 to 132x43
> and the Uncompressing kernel message. Booting the kernel with _no_
> options using the "c:/1/kernel/1.3.75" command on the command line seems
> to work. Any help would be appreciated.
Here is a follow-up.... After reading this posting...
Section of Message:
> There are problems with the new boot/video.S code.
> ( maybe this also touches the Linux-FT Unifix Boot Manager,
> -- as just posted --, and others )
> The routine 'store_screen' overwrites major portions of LOADLIN, which
> is sitting _behind_ setup.S. LOADLIN must be there, else it will not run.
> ( the space LOADLIN currently reserves for setup is 4K, and I increased
> it yesterday to 8K )
> The below patch fixes the problem (atleast for LOADLIN) by switching
> the CONFIG_VIDEO_RETAIN option off (doesn't hurt the boot process).
> Loaders which have no problems with it can switch it on by setting
> the CAN_USE_HEAP bit in loadflags.
I didn't have time to apply to patch, but I did change my kernel boot
line to read:
c:/1/kernel/1.3.75 root=/dev/hda1 ramdisk=0 vga=0 ro auto
This seems to work perfectly. The problem only occurs when a higher
video resolution is selected. This could be a major problem is it breaks
Linux-FT Unifix Boot Manager, LOADLIN, and others.
This list is a real help. Thanks everyone.
- --
Jeff Johnson GCS d- s: !a C+++ UA++(+++) P+ L+
trn@gate.net E---- W+++ N+++(+++++) K- w(+) O(-)
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