Right now, I'm looking at a self-configured boot system
(just enough to get the disks working), and a user space
utility to tweak the rest - with or without user intervention.
The user space utility will have the toughest job, as the
kernel code won't be much more than an API.
Kinda like the DOS ICM - but better. The DOS ICM is not
a part of the OS, so it isn't able to do anything until
AFTER the machine has booted (catch-22 in some cases).
It cannot handle dynamic on-the-fly configuration to
meet sporadic demands (example: need 12 IRQ lines,
but only 3 are available - any 3 of the 12 devices can be
in use at one time IFF the drivers co-operate).
-- Andrew E. Mileski --
mailto:dmtech@magi.com http://www.redhat.com/~aem/
"The best programmers are lazy", so I'm told.
I haven't gotten around to seeing if it is true or not though.