with 1.3.72 & 73 i was getting lots of "keyboard error" messages, and
occasionally keystrokes on the qwerty side would generate "unrecognized
scancode: xxx", while the numpad side would be fine.
this stopped with 1.3.74, but the console occasionally stops recognizing
the arrow keys, it would just display "OA", "OB", "OC", or "OD" rather
than interpret the codes. running the ``reset'' program that comes with
ncurses fixes the problem.
anyway, i just noticed that the arrow keys only seem to act up when i
leave a console long enough for it to swap out to disk; IOW if i am
logged into vt1, then switch to vt2 and stress the system (with a big
compile or a long emacs session), then switch back to vt1 i usually have
to type reset to get back the use of my arrow keys.
has anyone else noticed anything like this?
BTW: linux has been running quite smoothly for me since about kernel
v1.3.36. keep up the great job!
--- Why Linux? source code. POSIX. tcpip. job control. support from the authors. drivers for most hardware. because one terminal or process is never enough. forget the other O/Ss, i use Linux- the choice of a gnu generation.