> I liked your configuration script idea - however, I can imagine people
> posting these long lists of useless things to the kernel list, so I'll
> make an immediate suggestion to make it not-quite-so-long:
Well the script was never tested; in fact I just hacked in the lines
to the mail editor.
Making the out put shorter, you could also pipe it through gzip and
uuencode, but that's not a good idea, because it makes reading a bit
> for the .config, filter out all of the lines starting with "#", ie
> instead of just cat .config use grep -v "^#" .config to compact the
> information.
Could be added (if I only had the source code). You're definitely
right. Maybe awk can make a multi-column list out of this.
> Eventually, it would be very cool to be able to automagically determine
> the current binutils version, for example, and perhaps do some
> context-sensitive reporting - ie my CPU info is usually only marginally
> important to a lot of the posted problems.
Sometimes it's important if its a 386, 486, Pentium, Multiprocessor,
> In any event, I don't mean to in any way not to sound thankful for the
> script - I hope this helps make it a bit better ;)
Well if Linus really wants to add such a script, and someone can mail
it back to me, I'd be glad to work on it (playing maintainer). I feel
I can do it.
> Thanks
> Conor
Ulrich Windl Klinikum der Universitaet Regensburg
Rechenzentrum DV-med Franz-Josef-Strauss-Allee 11
Tel: +49 941 944-5879 D-93053 Regensburg
FAX: +49 941 944-5882
Just imagine my mail address were <Ulrich.Windl@rz.uni.r.de>...