1.3.75 patches.
Hallowed Be My Name (hallow@cris.com)
Wed, 20 Mar 1996 03:09:46 -0500
Where can I get ahold of some of the patches for 1.3.75 I've seen
mentioned here? Specifically the prink, pentium memcpy, and the setup.S
video patch. I'm starting an 'easy' step-by step guide to upgrading from
slack 3.0, and I'd be happy to serve these patches via http. (I do have
a 5MB quota though, so I obviously won't be serving any whole kernels :)
Also, any suggestions for changes/corrections/additions/deletions to my
linux page would be greatly appreciated. Currently it's just based on my
personal upgrade experience.
Mark R. Andrachek, Jr.