: In message <9603191743.AA05091=aeb@zeus.cwi.nl>, Andries.Brouwer@cwi.nl writes:
: >Marty Leisner:
: >
: >: Does opening up /dev/hdb R/W and writing the parition table
: >: force a rescan of the
: >: partition table?
: >
: >: I don't see it...
: >
: >Yes. fdisk must of course do a BLKRRPART ioctl to tell
: >the kernel that partition tables have changed.
: Which doesn't fully work when extended partitions are involved. When
: I repartitioned my 1.2G IDE drive, my Linux file system residing in a
: newly created logic drive in an extended partition moved by 512 bytes
: when I rebooted. Grr.
I do not understand the complaint.
What are you claiming?
That there is a bug in the kernel implementation of BLKRRPART?
If so, we must fix it.
That there is a bug in fdisk?
I know about lots of bugs in old fdisks. However, I have not yet
had bug reports about fdisk 3.04 - if something is wrong I'll fix it.
That you once made a stupid mistake?
That happens to all of us.