> I've noticed the same thing. Load avergaes are significantly increased
> under 1.3.76 with otherwise the same configuration/running software.
Same thing here - and the system seem a bit less responsive than with
Christophe Dupre Universite de Montreal
Internet: duprec@jsp.umontreal.ca Qc, Canada
Montreal, Qc, Canada
"Nous ne sommes pas libres de ne pas etre libres, nous sommes obliges de
l'etre" - Fernando Savater
-- Geek Code 2.1 --
GCS d-- H+ s:++ g+ !p au-* a19 w+ v+ C++(+++) UIL++>+++ P+>++ L++
3- E---- N++ K W- M- V-- Y+ t++ 5++ !j R+ G- tv b++
D+ e+ u** h->++ f+ r++ n---(----) y+
#include <disclaimer.h>