> I didn't notice memory faults on my machine, however I get a sigsegv once
> or twice when I compile a new kernel. This has happened with kernel post
> 3.64, before that I used 1.2.13 that worked fine and compiled ok.
> Load average, before gcc dies with SIGSEGV is going sky-high, and problems
> only arise when there is a memory shortage.
Then perhaps you have the ``virtual memory'' exhaustation problem, that
could lead to killed processes. The load average is explainable by swapping
beaviour of the kernel: As a last resort the kernel starts to throw away even
needed code pages, because it can reload them always -> Problem: It isn't
really funny running an app (like gcc, ...) with 40KB code in core. And
when the kernel stretched it's limits, and gcc still tries to allocate
memory, then I'd assume, that you can get some signals :O
-- Andreas Kostyrka Email: andreas@medman.ag.or.at Fax: +43/1/7070750 Tel: +43/1/7077571, +43/664/3020166 (cellular) Copyright 1996 Andreas Kostyrka. Microsoft Network is prohibited from redistributing this work in any form, in whole or in part.