The following is what shows up in kerenl logs:
12:02:34: dot kernel: VFS: Disk change detected on device 14:00
12:02:34: dot kernel: mcdx: transfer() sector 64 from nirvana requested.
12:02:34: dot kernel: mcdx: do_requst() read error
Notice the spelling error on last line. That's reporoduced form logs,
not a typo.
Like I said, I've seen the messages before and usually mount just
failes with varying degrees of grace. However, this time, it just
stopped. All other VCs are fine and I can switch back and forth with no
problem. The VC I tried mounting from however doesn't have a prompt. I
can type and characters appear, but ^C doesn't work and killing mount,
even with -9, doesn't work...
Hmm, ok. Just killed the shell on that console and that got me back to
the login prompt. However, there is still a mount process which can't be
Mark E. Levitt
Department of Speech Communication, Syracuse University
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