First things 1st; I'm posting to linux-kernel, not because this
is a kernel-delvelopment issue, but because _you_ guys know your stuff.
I have scrounged through comp.os.linux.setup for a replied answer to
someone with the same problem and found none. So, if you are going
to reply at all: (1) direct reply to me (2) CC it to linux-newbie
(I'm sure they'd appreciate it) (3) forget about flamming me for
wasting bandwith or whatever! ;) (4) do _not_ followup about it on
this list ;)
Phheww, now my little problem:
kernel: 1.3.20 (also reprted to break on 1.3.18) Yes I know these
are early 1.3.*.
When I try: `shutdown -h now` or `reboot` or `halt` or press
ctrl-alt-del I get the following:
shutdown: already running.
Now, I've had this 1.3.20 setup for about a week and it has been
shutting down fine, till now ... any ideas?
-- Cheers,Rob -