On Tue, 16 Apr 1996 cs95rro@brunel.ac.uk wrote:
> > David Monro <davidm@gh.cs.usyd.edu.au> writes:
> > >well, I have upgraded to 1.3.89, and I am still having ppp problems.
> > >Interactive response to our Solaris server has improved - I no longer
> > >get massive delays when attmepting to type-ahead into a shell. However,
> > >I still have the duplicate packets problem with paging text files on
> > >large xterms, and ftp transfers on a 68K (gzipped so no modem
> > >compressions) file run at 240cps on a 14.4k modem. Below are the dumps
> > >from both ends of the link for typing df on our server, which produces
> > >85 lines of output. This time I have managed to include time stamps and
> > >packet IDs at both ends.
> > >
> > It seems to me that SUNOS is choosing to retransmit packets much
> > to early. Say a 1460 byte packet gets injected into the network by
> > staff at time T, which then makes its way to your machine.
> > Just counding transmission time over the modem I'd expect there to
> > be a 1 second delay between the time staff sends the packet and the
> > linux box can see it and ACK it. If the linux box waits another 1/2
> > second to send the ACK (which is about what we are doing now),
> > then sends it over the modem, you'd expected pretty much what
> > you are seeing for the round trip delay on the ACK.
> > Looking at staff's output log, it starts the first resend 1/2 second
> > after the first packet is sent. There is no way that fuzzbox can
> > even have the packet yet, never mind have responded.
> I've had this problem, going via a Zylogics PPP box, on all versions of the
> kernel I've used. (1.2.1, 1.2.13, 1.3.[lots]) I've not gone as far as packet
> dumps (Mainly because tcpdump doesn't work on PPP and I haven't got time to
> do it any other way) but it seems to me as if SunOS (Both 4 and 5) is overdoing
> the source quench a bit. I generally get around 400cps on a good day (At 14.4k)
> but for much of the time the transfer goes at full speed but then the CS drops
> briefly and it waits for up to 30s. I hacked together a bit of C to spoon-feed
> ftp data to the Linux box at 1.2k and it seems to work.
> Hope this helps.
> * cs95rro@brunel.ac.uk ryan@bcs.org.uk * Ryan Richard O'Connell *
> * http://www.brunel.ac.uk:8080/~cs95rro * Finger: cs95rro@molnir.brunel.ac.uk *
> The modern idiot is here and plain to see.
> Version: 2.6.i
> EtYC/gSgoG+zS0DBKx5kQwYDaY3RnSK/zaagmavKExXULCKEJ4x4sHmKBWivcCH9
> 00e0z90GM5z+y7X/Z3xKJRhk1GyBfX3iDBUhA8cZ+bUnmSvC8zOQvBWuyT1nx0mq
> K/wJkxSL0Ts=
> =l2Bt