1.3.90 and IP seems broken

Alan K. Adamson (ne1h@tornado.ne1h.radio.org)
Tue, 16 Apr 1996 19:10:06 -0400 (EDT)


I have noticed the following, thought it was a netscape problem, before, but
here goes.

When netscape comes up it tries to get to home.mcom.com... This is an CNAME for
one of the netscape www servers and it changes as servers become avail. Well,
under pre 90 kernels, you can ping that address and it will find the CNAME
and resolve the ping, under 90 comes back with host name not found.

Now, if you are presistant, you can get a ping to work but netscape will
still not load.

Also the name will, not sure of the right wordage, but expire and after it
does you can not get the ping to work again.

Just thought I would let all know....
Alan Adamson