Re: 1.3.90 kernel builds as 1.3.89

Russell Berry (
Wed, 17 Apr 1996 07:37:04 -0400 (EDT)

All ya gotta do is change SUBLEVEL - 90 in the top level Makefile
and everything will be ok, I promise...


On Tue,
16 Apr 1996, Alan K. Adamson wrote:

> Well, the good news it that 1.3.90 builds, but the bad news is it builds
> as a 1.3.89 kernel. The version.h files says it's 1.3.89 and when you
> build modules and install_modules, it puts them in the 1.3.89 dir.
> Don't now if it runs yet or not, but it builds...wrong.. :0)
> Thanks,
> Alan Adamson