Re: Linux reboot

Graham Broadbridge (
20 Apr 1996 10:33:30 GMT

Andrew Mileski ( wrote:
: Note: I recommend you use the 'old' rc scripts (simple),
: and not the new SysV scripts (more complicated)

Well, what is complicated, and what is not is more a function of your
experiences in the past than anything else.

I've been using SysV scripts here for 3 years mainly because I design
turnkey SysVR3 and SysVR4 and have done for 10 years :-)

Any yes, they do actually take the machine to single user if I 'telinit S', in
much the same way as they reboot if I do 'telinit 6' and halt the machine if
I 'telinit 0' :-)

  Graham Broadbridge        Internet <>
  Marsfield   NSW                    <>
  Australia                 amprnet  <>