Re: Problems in 1.3.93

Alan Cox (
Mon, 22 Apr 1996 16:51:24 +0100 (BST)

> 1) A critical daemon like nfsd should be coded as defensively as possibly.
> No harm in nfsd noticing the group-id bit and checking for locks with


> 2) Opening files with O_NONBLOCK avoids blocking on mandatory locks.

Oh good.

> Throw the patches out if you really. They probably won't be missed by many
> people. I implemented them as a small personal challenge and for a sense
> of completeness - but if its more trouble than its worth then okay, no
> problem.

I dont believe it should get thrown out. I do believe it should be an option.
For a few people mandatory locks are a great thing. For the majority they
are a hazard - especially for the clueless admin with a smart and annoying
