> Your ISA bus is sufficiently occupied the network card is dropping
> packets when the ISA bus DMA to floppy driver is running. Its not a
> problem directly. www.uk.linux.org does the same when both the tape
> drive and AHA1542 SCSI are running.
> Alan
I have went back to the .90 kernel and tried my same test (ie dd
if=floppy of=/dev/fd0) and no errors came up in syslog. What has
changed that could possibly cause this sort of thing? lance.c had not
changed, but floppy.c has. I don't know too much about the internals of
the kernel, and I would hate to do a bunch of work for nothing. Do you
have any suggestions for starting points or other ideas? (It seems a
little odd that floppy.c alone could cause bus errors)
Jeff Haumont
(BTW I read this list from news.fuller.edu and neither of these replies
have shown up there yet. Either it is real slow, or there is a problem.
Basically, don't count on me seeing anything that isn't mailed directly
to me.)
Jeff Haumont - jhaumont@cse.unl.edu
Mail also forwarded to operator@vorlon.unl.edu
finger jhaumont@cse.unl.edu for PGP public key