Bjorn is right.... there is absolutely no need to disable kerneld, because
the problems described are exclusively arpd's fault.
I have talked to Simon before about this - the solution is simple. Don't
turn on arpd until I can fix the problem. Something/one has changed the
behaviour of ARP in the past 10-15 releases and it hasn't been stable since,
in particular on machines with more than one interface.
Since arpd is marked as experimental and defaults to being off and there
is a lengthy explanation about its purpose in the make config help, I
don't see why this is such a big issue.
For what it's worth, on a single interface machine on a class B network,
linux still performs better with arpd than without, even with the known
problems. So, I'm suggesting that it not be disabled just yet. Maybe
we just need to put the word experimental in all caps, blinking and boldface.
(p.s. thanks for the tips Bjorn, I'm looking into it asap)