Re: .94 Floppies and Ethernet

Alan Cox (
Fri, 26 Apr 1996 12:06:56 +0100 (BST)

> if=floppy of=/dev/fd0) and no errors came up in syslog. What has
> changed that could possibly cause this sort of thing? lance.c had not

The DMA latency, DMA speed, length of DMA block transfers.

> changed, but floppy.c has. I don't know too much about the internals of
> the kernel, and I would hate to do a bunch of work for nothing. Do you
> have any suggestions for starting points or other ideas? (It seems a
> little odd that floppy.c alone could cause bus errors)

It could cause the bus arbitration error messages. THey aren't really fatal,
and ought to be DEBUG messages