> > It also wouldn't work. Suppose you have one of these Slowaris boxes (no C
> > compiler), or you just buy a PC (no C compiler, no tar, no gzip, no make,
> > no *anything*...) how _do_ you get that box to run something more sensible?
> I know that there are zealots that may flame me for this, but source only
> distribution is not only impractcal, as noted above, but it would kill
> Linux's potential as a useful alternative to Winblows. Linux could never
I agree but how is it possible in any case? Doesn't the GPL give the right
to distribute binaries? And all such rights passed on to *all derived
So if Linux 1.3.91 is GPL'd under today's GPL, doesn't the whole of it need
to be rewritten to go to a 'source only'? i.e. to not be a derived work,
and thus to not inherit those rights?
The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men
of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding.
-- Justice Louis D. Brandeis