> On 28 Apr 96 at 16:43, Alan Cox wrote:
> <snip>
> > > *** Include some kind of CPU/memory quotas, such as in VAX/VMS.
> > >
> > > If this is possible, can someone please give me some pointers,
> > > or information? This would be rather useful. A start could
> >
> > RTFM - man rusage
> hmmm...
> dev$ man rusage
> No manual entry for rusage
> dev$ rusage
> sh: rusage: command not found
That is what happened to me... hmm... maybe you have something I don't...
I didn't know you could do CPU/MEM quotas in Linux... I know you can in
> Graham
> Ask not what you can do for your country,
> but what your government is doing to you
-- Jeff Johnson GCS d- s: !a C+++ UA++(+++) P+ L+ trn@gate.net E---- W+++ N+++(+++++) K- w(+) O(-) KE4QWX M- V-(--) PS+ PE Y++ PGP+++(+++++) t- http://www.gate.net/~trn 5 X+++(+++++) R tv+ b++ DI-- D G++ e* !h r y? Nerdity Test = 66% Hacker Test = 45% 1024/3397E001 1995/06/10 5B 92 8B 34 84 E9 42 26 DC FB F7 C4 1E 0E 80 29