1.3.81 an masqing

Graham Mitchell (gmitch@woodlea.wintermute.co.uk)
Mon, 1 Apr 1996 05:23:11 +0000

I've just compiled the 1.3.81 kernel and tried to use the ipmasq to
run an FTP session to ftp.funet.fi using WS_FTP32, and an mIRC
session onto dismayl.demon.co.uk.

The ftp session logs onto funet, then procedes as follows

230- It was last updated Thu Nov 16 08:52:02 1995 - 136.9 days ago
230 PWD 257 "/" is the current directory. SYST 215 UNIX Type: L8
Version: BSD-198911 Host type (2): UNIX (standard) PORT
192,168,0,2,6,235 Timer cancelled blocking call rl-recv: Blocking call

200 PORT command successful.
DoDirList returned 0

In a similar fashion, the mIRC connection is made to the irc server,
the message of the day is displayed, and it just sits there, cominng
back with PING? PONG! as it times out. Ive included cats of the
ip_masq_app, ip_masquerade, and /proc/modules.

It must be said, that this is the same sets of errors that I have
been having with the masq software since it broke around 1.3.7x

# cat ip_masq_app
prot port n_attach
TCP 21 1
TCP 6667 1

# cat ip_masquerade
Prc FromIP FPrt ToIP TPrt Masq Init-seq Delta PDelta Expires
(free=4096,4091) TCP C0A80002:06EB 80D6F806:0000 EA67 00000000 0
0 1470 TCP C0A80002:06E7 9E98014C:1A0B EA62 00000000 0 0
71941 TCP C0A80002:06EA 80D6F806:0015 EA63 03856152 6 0
83779 TCP C0A80002:06ED 9E98014C:1A0B EA68 00000000 0 0
87519 TCP C0A80002:06EB 80D6F806:0014 EA69 00000000 0 0 5760

#cat /proc/modules
ip_masq_irc 1 1
ip_masq_ftp 1 1
sbpcd 14 1
sr_mod 4 1 (autoclean)
isofs 5 2 (autoclean)
vfat 4 3 (autoclean)
fat 6 [vfat] 3 (autoclean)
dummy 1 0

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