> SCSI timeout errors occur when I load in module ppa under kernel 1.3.81.
> When I reboot under 1.3.77 and load in ppa, the Zip drive runs fine. I
> have the SCSI core and block device compiled in the kernel for both
> versions. The kernels are configured identically. I tried loading in
> the ppa module with huge timing parameters to see if this prevented the
> timeout with identical results.
I've experienced the same problem under 1.3.78 with my Iomega Zip Drive
if I compile it as a module. If I compile it into the kernel, I don't
have any problem if I mount the disk right away. But if I wait a while,
I get the same SCS timeout error. I've never tried any other versions
that support ppa. I wonder if it has anything to do with a sleep mode in
the zip drive (or at least the second case of my problem).
: Matthew Kramer - http://www.netonecom.net/~mkramer :
: mkramer@netonecom.net .............................:.......
: kram1968@nova.gmi.edu : GMI Engineering & Management Inst :
:.......................: Computer Engineering Major :
: And best of all... Linux User! :