Re: Vfat

Bryn Paul Arnold Jones (
Tue, 9 Apr 1996 13:11:20 +0100 (BST)

On Mon, 8 Apr 1996, Yetunde F. Kosoko wrote:

> I have edit the /etc/fstab file several times , but when I reboot or use the
> control panel utility that comes with RedHat 3.0.3 'vfat' always changes back to
> 'msdos'
Yep, this is a _REAL_ pain, some of the redhat tools need updated to
allow vfat. This is realy a Red Hat issue, not a linux-kernel one, so
remove the linux-kernel list from the CC if you reply (i only put it
there to keep the others on linux-kernel).

PS there is a Red Hat list on, or, the for the control chanel, add a '-request'
(without quotes), to the end of the list name.

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again :(                          |            initiated.
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                                |  blank, apart from this text ;-)