Re: US ISDN for Linux??

Mark W. Eichin (
Tue, 9 Apr 1996 22:18:00 -0400

> I've got a few UK ones here from scarab (loaned for playing with), and there
> is a metricom driver for US 900MHz stuff now. I don't know a lot about
> the metricom. For high end there is of course the NCR(ex ATT(ex NCR))

Check out Also the stanford "mosquitonet"
project. You can use them as "virtual modems" or you can put them in a
packet based "virtual ethernet" mode. 900Mhz, spread spectrum, rf
signalling rate at around 100khz, reliable throughput at 2.5Kbytes/sec
on a good line of sight, degrades smoothly in the presence of noise (I
had one radio in a machine room with unshielded cpu boards, that took
it down to about 400bytes/sec :-) It works better hanging from my
office window.

The metricom "ricochet" modem looks like a normal hayes modem with
*lots* of extra variables. The "packet" mode uses PPP-style quoting,
but lets multiple modems use a common channel (this is what the
Mosquitonet driver does.)
has details and the Linux driver, called STRIP (Starmode Radio IP.)