Re: Linux-1.3.85

temp (
Wed, 10 Apr 1996 05:16:03 -0400 (EDT)

1.3.85 is one of the best 1.3.x kernels so far :)
my DATS finally work again! first time since 1.3.15 that I've been able to
backup with Linux. don't change anything :) too much anyway :)
I haven't tried backuping in X yet tho, thats the next big test :)

And ppp seems to be working fine for me, tho I haven't tested the speedn,
or connected to a solaris mahcine, just Sunos, which is fine.

so far only error is modprobe: can't Locate modules net-pf-3

And thanks for finally adding the tulip.c driver to the kernel, and
removing the # in the config, it also works great for my smc cards.
