modules memory (Was: sound volume and kerneld)

Luca Berra (
Wed, 10 Apr 1996 14:11:57 +0200 (METDST)

Actually the problem of keeping settings between modules invocation
is not limited to the sound module. Another module which applies is
the tape module (i use st.o, but i think also ftape.o applies).
the problem is remembering the current file position when you have
multiple filemarks.
ie: you do
# mt fsf 12
go drink a coffe while it goes,
# mt status
and it tells you are at file 0, while the tape IS at file 12 :(

In this case bj0rn's post-xxx syntax is not useful at all.

I would propose adding two module related syscalls,
and a switch to insmod/rmmod to tell the module to load a saved status
the status could be kept in an area of memory allocated by kerneld,
or maybe in a (db[m]) file in /var/run (just remember to clear it
at boot time)
Any feedback....
Bj0rn... ?!?


#include <disclaimer.h>
|      Luca Berra -- S.I.W.A. Politecnico di Milano                          |
|          Phone: +39-2-23992413  -  e-mail:             |
|       PGP public key available via finger                                  |