Re: Fix for SLOW PPP Bug

Mark E. Levitt (
Wed, 10 Apr 1996 09:48:17 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 10 Apr 1996, Linus Torvalds wrote:

> Umm.. I've been looking at the use of "tcp_reset_xmit_timer()", and it may be
> that we're seeing a timer fight between the delayed acks and retransmissions,
> where both want to use the same timer and they don't like each other messing
> with it..
> Anyway, this would indeed have gotten worse in 1.3.73, because that started
> using more of the delayed ack logic (the code isn't new per se, it's just used
> in a new way). That could have made the problem much worse.
Unfortunatly, this does not fix the problem. I tried this
patch against a clean 1.3.85. In fact, it seems to make the problem
slightly worse, but I wouldn't swear to that perception.


Mark E. Levitt
Department of Speech Communication, Syracuse University
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